So I'm gonna tell you what we did today – woke up, had breakfast, went to the beach, had lunch and took a long nap! Then we at least put some clothes on and went for a walk. There are so many people though, it's crazy. We're dreaming about empty beaches in Lombok haha. We're probably gonna go to Venezia tommorrow so I'm super excited, I've never been there but always wanted to! I hope you had a lovely day today. Hugs!
Takže teď vám povím, co jsme dneska dělali – vstali jsme, dali si snídani, šli na pláž, dali si oběd a pak jsme spali! Potom jsme se teda alespoň oblékli a šli na procházku. Je tu šíleně moc lidí, takže sníme o těch prázdných plážích na Lomboku haha. Zítra nejspíš pojedeme do Benátek, takže se moc těším, nikdy předtím jsem tam nebyla. Doufám, že jste dnes měli krásný den. Pusu!
I've been to Venezia once but I was really young and barely remember anything! I'd really like to go back, I'm sure you'll enjoy it, can't wait to see your pictures!
Lucie, xx
You deffinitely should, the city is amazing <3 Lots of photos coming up! 🙂 x
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