A few random photos from my day!
Hello from Italy! We spend the day in Innsbruck, went to the mountains in the morning which was absolutely epic, then we had a super yummy lunch at Dwerk. After that we were just walking around the city centre, had a cup of coffee and had a delicious dinner at Olive, I was too hungry to take photos of the food, but you can find it in my insta stories hehe. Right after dinner we jumped in the car and went to Italy. We're staying in a beautiful place next to Bruneck in the north of Italy. Talk to you tommorrow babes, good night <3
Zdravíme z Itálie! Celý dnešní den jsme strávili v Innsbrucku, ráno jsme jeli do hor, což bylo úplně úžasné, a potom jsme si dali skvělý oběd v restauraci Dwerk. Pak jsme jen chodili po centru, dali si na kafe a nakonec jsme si zašli na večeři do Olive, ale bohužel jsem měla takový hlad, že jsem vám tam nestihla nic vyfotit, můžete ale mrknout na moje insta stories hehe. Hned po večeři jsme nasedli do auta a vyrazili do Itálie. Bydlíme v krásném hotelu blízko Brunecku na severu Itálie. Ozvu se vám zase zítra, dobrou noc <3
One comment
Sandra Slusna
Paaaani, to vypada skvele! Nadhera! A to jidlo? Hned bych si dala!!! <3 Uzivejte. 😉
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