Hello babes, I hope you had a great weekend and that you're having a lovely Monday! <3 This is my day in pictures so far, I was at school and then I went shopping and had lunch with my friend. I bought a lot of stuff today, some shoes, a handbag and some make up products. I'm back in school now and I'll go home pretty soon. The sun is shining and it's really warm today which is SO nice, so I'm gonna go for a walk later today and hopefully take some nice photos. And I'm really craving ice cream haha! I have to go now, hugs!
Ahoj všichni, doufám, že jste měli skvělý víkend a užíváte si krásné pondělí! <3 Takhle zatím vypadá můj den, byla jsem ve škole, potom jsem šla nakupovat a dala si oběd s kamarádkou. Koupila jsem si spoustu věcí, nějaké boty, kabelku a makeup. Teď jsem zpátky ve škole a za chvíli půjdu domů. Svítí sluníčko a je krásně teplo, je to úplně úžasné, takže se večer půjdu projít a snad nafotím něco hezkého. A mám hroznou chuť na zmrzlinu haha! Už musím začít dávat pozor na přednášce. Pusu!
Whitney Hope
Hello! I really love your blog. I'm just wondering where you're from, where you live now, what programme you go to in school and how old you are?
xoxo <3
Hi 🙂 Thank you <3 I'm turning 21 in two weeks, I'm from the Czech Republic, I live in Prague and I study Marketing Communications and PR at Charles University 🙂 x
There is something I've wanted to know for quite some time… How's your school schedule? It doesn't seem to be full time… I'm just curious to know how things work in other countries! Also it's been so long since I've been on a proper shopping spree!
Lucie, xx
I have 8 subjects right now and I'm at school from Monday to Wednesday which is super nice! I usually have some lessons in the morning and some in the afternoon/evening so I have longer gaps in between. xx
Pekné fotky, je vidieť, že si mala krásny deň. Dúfam, že aj ostatné sú tak pekné.
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